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Jno Blish: marcht: Comes by Thos. Snoden his attorney to pros his Suite agt: Capt: Richd: Sanderson: of the precinct of Coratucke: in an action of Trover and Conversion and Declares for Certaine Indian Slaves which: by finding Came to the posession of the Deft: and the Said Deft: by Edwd: Moseley his attorney: Comes & prayes an Imparlance to the next Genll: Court and he hath it

And Thereupon it is ordered that it be a Rule of this Court That the Deft. plead to Issue in fact the next Genll: Court—

Jno Blish & Compa: by Thos: Snoden their attorney: Comes to pros: their Suite agt: Capt. Richd: Sanderson in an action of Trover & Conversion and Declares for a Certaine Indian Man Slave Called John Coneway which: in the first day of apprill: they the Said plts: were possessed of as their own proper Goods & Chattles and that afterward: (vizt) in the month of June last past by finding Came to the possession of the Said Deft: and the Said Deft. by Edwd. Moseley his attorney Came and prayed liberty thereof to Imparle to the next Genll. Court and he hath it.