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Court meet

Present Capt Henderson Walker Jno Porter Capt. Jno Hunt Jno. Durant Capt Thomas Luten Jno Hawkins Esqrs Justices.


Presentmt is made by the Grand Jury that Charles and Indian belonging to Mr. Jacob Peterson of the pcinct of Pequimans having not the fear of God &c. on or about the eight day of february last in the prcinct of Couratuck one pistole one musqett of the value of twenty shill. and several other Goods to the value of thirty shillings of & from one Ship of War of our Sovereign Lord the King in the prct. of Couratuck aforesd on the sea shore &c & of her owne men deserted &c with force & armes did take steel & carry away for tryall of whom the Marshall having impanelled Nicolas Crispe John Whitby Thomas Haskins Robert Lowry Wm Jening Thomas Durant Wm Long, Tho Barkock Jno. Upton Christopher Bales Jno Bales Philip Torksey, who came & a true verdict to give being sworne upon the holy Evangilists say that the said Charles is not Guilty of the felony wherof he stands Indicted. Ord. that the said Charles be discharged h if his master shall pay his fees.