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North Carolina Ss.

Know all men by these presents that I Henry Bonner of Chowan precinct am held & firmly Bound unto Christopher Gale Esqr. Cheif Justice of the province aforesd. his heires &c. in the sum of twenty poinds to be paid to the said Christopher Gale his heirs Successors: or assignes to which payment well and truly to be made I doe bind & oblige my selfe my heires Exors & Admors firmly by these prsents sealed with: my seale & dated this 26th: day of December Anno Dni 1722

Whereas John Hitaw King or Cheifman of the Chowan Indians upon Complaint made hath obtaind. from the above named Christopher Gale Esqr. Cheif Justice an Attachment against the Goods & Chattles of John Sale Mercht: so as to compell him to appear at the next Court of Comon pleas to be held for this Government on the last Tuesday in March next.

Now the Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above named the sd. John Hitaw doe not prosecute his said suite against the said John Sale with effect: that then if the above bound Henry Bonner his heires Exors or Admors doe pay & satisfie all such costs & damages as shall be adjudgd. in case the [sd] Hitaw be cast then this Obligaton to be Joyd & of none effect else to remaine in full force &c.

Sealed & delivered in the presence of

Mary badham

v         }Bond to CGale
Sale:    to prosecute—