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To the Honorable Robert Daniel Esqr Deputy Governor and the rest of the Honorable membrs in Counsel

The humble petition of the Inhabitants of Matchapungo

May it please yr honores,

We whose names are hereunto Subscribed do humbly adresse yr honores not only in behalfe of ourselves the Subscribers but of all the Inhabitants of the place most humbly praying that some speedy and effective Method may be taken for restraining the Insolvency and Continued abuses of the Matchepungo Indians by killing and distroying our hoggs and beating our aforsd neighbours for endeavouring to prevent the same as Likewise the threatning to take our our lives away for discovery of these there Villanies, to prevent which King Charles in his own person (whether out of policy to see how we would resent it or out of Local kindness to us wee know not) came down in the night to give us no[damaged] since which and to this Instant they continue unpardonable [damaged] both in there speeches and actions. In all things rather [damaged] desire to a War with us than a peace, and have accordingly [damaged] themselves nigh a Willdernesse whereupon the least Intim[damaged] they can easily repair wthout being pursued, Wherefore these things being taken for truthe, as we are ready to prove, Do therefore hope and Confidently believe that yer honours will find it part of yer Christian duty to see us defended from these barbarous heathen, and that wee may not live in such dayly Jeopardy of our lives. Wee Likewise return our most humble and unfeighnd thanks to the Honourble Gouvernr for his kind and affectitonate Lettr by which encouragemt wee are emboldend to give yer honours this further Information, Not doubting but to obtain reliefe by such ways as yer honours shall think fitt to prescribe and yer petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray—