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I send you with this an Address to His Majesty from the House of Assembly of this province, which I hope will be acceptable, as it goes attended with a Vote of Supply of £8000 this Currency to be employ'd in the assistance of Virginia & Defence of this Frontier; I was in hopes to have got 200 for one year for Virginia alone, but upon a Division it was carried to have but 100 Men for 2 years in one Company commanded by one Captain two Lieutenants and one Ensign, and a Company of 50 Men under one Captain one Lieutenant & Ensign for the Defence of this frontier, having had so many lately murder'd by the French Indians, and French in the Indian Dress.

As this Supply comes with Unanimity from his Majesty's faithful Subjects of this Colony who have already shewn an early Zeal against the French Incroachments & Invasions, altho the Sum granted had not the good Effect expected from it; yet considering the late divided State of this Province, and the ill State of the Revenue here, and great Debt upon Account of the paper Bills formerly and lately issued, which must be discharged, and there being a necessity for to raise this by a further paper Currency or issuing the Bills already appropriated to other Uses, there being neither Bullion nor Coin in the Country, by which the Troops can be paid when they go out of the province, and the present ill State of the Currency, which the Northern Counties wou'd not circulate, because they disallow'd the Legality of the Assembly, and therefore wou'd not submit to pay any Taxes laid on to discharge the Bills, which prevented their circulating in Virginia; under this Situation & Circumstances, this Sum is as much as they can find ways and Means to supply, and therefore humbly hope his Majesty will accept of what they have granted with a sincere Zeal for his Service. As his Majesty has happily put an End to those Divisions, I hope we shall soon restore our Credit, and as soon as the Law is passed, I shall endeavour with the best Oeconomy to make it effectual, and to have the Company ready if possible at the time appointed to enter upon Action.

If His Majesty has sent over Commissions for the Troops raised in Virginia, I hope His Majesty will be graciously pleased to grant Commissions In the same Manner to the Companies raised here, that they may all act equally under his Majesty's Commission.

Having wrote fully to the Lords Commissioners of Trade upon other points, I therefore shall only beg leave to assure you that no Care and Diligence shall be wanting in me to keep up the Spirit against the French Incroachments Invasions and Depredations, and to execute the Trust his Majesty has reposed in me.

I am with great Respect


your most obedient and

most humble Servant

Arthur Dobbs

No. Carolina Janry. 1st 1755
Govr. Dobbs.
Rx July 2d.