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To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

The most humble Petition of John Dalrymple Esqr:, Captain and Commander of His Majesty's Fort Johnston, in North Carolina.

Humbly Sheweth,

That the Petitioner having served upwards of Thirty years as an Officer in your Majesty's Army, was appointed Captain and Commander of Fort Johnston by General Bradock.

That some time after he obtained Leave from the Commander of your Majesty's Forces in America to return to England. And from your Majesty's most Gracious favor had a new Commission for the said Fort dated October 27th: 1760.

That on the Petitioner's return to take the Command, he waited on Governor Dobbs, who with many Circumstances of Severity, put the Petitioner under Arrest and confined him in an open Barrack; with Centinels over him, under pretence of his having gone to England, without his Leave, altho' he had Superceded him before he went to England and appointed another in his Place.

That Your Petitioner still continues a close prisoner the Governor refusing to release him, Except he will give it under his Hand, that he has been disobedient to Order and broke the Articles of War.

Under these unhappy Circumstances Your Petitioner humbly throws himself at your Majesty's Feet, begging your Majesty will be most Graciously pleased to take his Case into Consideration, and order such redress as your Majesty's sees meet.

And the Petitioner shall ever pray

Petition of John Dalrymple, Captain and Commander of Fort Johnston, in North Carolina.

Original sent to Sr. Jeff: Amherst. May 21st: 1763.