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Dr Conway,

Having had none from you Since yr first Letter, and having wrote the 2 last Posts to my Bror. and Newphew brice which they would Communicate to you I Delayd writing to you—I Have orderd ½ a Barrell of Split [Pease] to you and have herein Inclosd to you a Catalogue of Garden Seeds which are Shipd for Belfast if I get the Captains Receipt this day I will Inclose it if not will send it by next letter; if you get any letters from Carolina Inclose them to me to Lord [Hartford], there has been a [well] Storm and Inundation of the Sea of Charles Town, in South Carolina but dont find it has been so great at North Carolina tho' Several Ships are on Shore there. My being Governr of North Carolina is so far agreed to that Lord Hallifax expects to lay it before the King before the Holidays for his Approbation and has Recommended to me Mr Pownel the Clerk of the Board of Trade to take out my Commission, which if done before the [Hol]ydays I Shall go for 10 Days to bath and be in Town again when they begin to do Busyness. I Have wrote to [Vatr[Baron] Either to pay the ½ years Interst Due upon my daughters Fortune to you in Ireland or to Send me a Bill for So much from Alick Stewart to upon Mr [Even] which I Shall remit to you—I had a letter from Sr Simon Clark by the last Ship from Jamaica, that he and Dr Gregory will soon send a full answer to the letters we wrote to him from Dublin, and in his to Mr [Even] he says he will Consign Sugars to him upon the Legatees amount which I expect will Cover over by the next Ships, as there were Sugars and Rum Still Expected; I am uncertain yet whether my Instructions will be made out now whilst I Stay, [illegible] to go over from Ireland to Carolina, or whether I must Return here again before I go: whenever I am fixd I shall try to get over in one of the Kings Ships if any are to be Stationd there, upon Relieving Some of the Ships There at present; I am looking out to get Some of the French persecuted Protestants who are Stealing away here from France, who understand Silk Worms and winding of Silk to go to Carolina and to get a Colony of Moravians, Some of them being now there to view Lord Granvilles Lands to Settle there who will not only go into the [Selk] but also Send Missionaries among the Indians and begin my Scheme to Civilize and make friendship with them. I have also got a letter from the Secretary's office to the Governor of Gibraltar to Enquire into the Price of Camels in Africa and upon what Terms they Can be afforded at Gibraltar if the [illegible] will ship them to be transported in order to have a Breed of them in Carolina, and I have wrote to Carolina to Know what things it will be proper for me to Carry over from Europe as I must take up House there and begin the world anew; if I find any [Choose] to go from Ireland with me, I will Ingage a Ship from Liverpool well appointed to Carry them over as I must take over Tradesmen of Several Kinds—I find this day that a Ship is Come in to down from Cape Fear if any letters Should Come for me after Reading them Inclose them to Lord [Hartford] for me; let me Know what is doing by the Labourers as I believe you have put a Stop to the Building for this Winter, they can better finish any of the Marsh Ditches when the Weather is proper for it and at other Times work in the Garden or Slab up the old ditch in the Kiln Garden; and make up any deficiencies among the Apple Trees that are wanting in that Garden or Elsewhere; So as to plant out any young Trees that have been grafted, and if they have any Time to Spare they may lay out the Ground in a Lawn betwixt the House and the Canal, you may ask Kelly Hay if She and Arch: McDowel will venture to go with me to Carolina, for I shall want both a Cook and mill Wright there. I have had no account where Fanny is tho' I have heard that my Son and Daughter Ryder were in Dublin in their way to [Turn]. Since I begun this I have got Moors Receipt for the things Sent in the Dresser which take care of when She gets to Belfast Mr and Mrs [Farward] have visited Mrs [Ryars] and have had all her grievances mentiond, She said She would even own her Self oblyd to me if I could ^[propose]^ [Ryars] past marriage Doctor Baum has wrote to her which She said She would answer, She Says She will leave her accounts to any Two indifferent Persons, so possibly upon Doctr. [Bucons] coming over She may Come to some Terms give my Love and Complim[ents] as due tell Mr Dalway I have got his Glass mended, I am Dr Conw[ay]

yr Affectionate Father

Arthur Dobbs