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In the Assembly.

A Memorial of the Merchants and Planters of this Province to the right Honble. the Lords of Trade and plantations representing a State of the Trade and Commerce of this Country was Presented to the House for Approbation, which being read and Maturely Considered. 

On Motion Resolved, That a Message be sent to His Excelly. the Govr. to Accquaint him of the Same, and that this House is Unanimously of Opinion that the said Memorial Contains a True and genuine State of the Several Matters thereby represented, and that redress in the several particulars pray'd thereby, will be greatly to the Interest and Advantage of the Crown and the Merchants of Great Britain, and be an Effectual means of making this a populous and flourishing Colony, and would therefore beg leave to recommend it to His Excellys. Care and Intreat that he would be pleased to Transmitt the same to their Lordships. 

Vera Copia;


North Carolina.
Resolution of the Assembly of North Carolina the 2d. of Janry. 1755.

Recd. with Govr. Dobbs's Lettr. dated the 4th Janry. 1755. 

Recd. July the 2d. 1755.
Read               3d. 1755.

C. 80