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My Lord

I Had the Honour of your Excellency's Letter of the 18th Feby. from Mr. President Blair by Express which went on to Charlestown with your Letters and had no Oppertunity of Answering your Excellencys untill his Return from thenceThe Assembly agreed to Allow Provisions for any Indians passing through this province to Assit against our Enemies and Gentlen. were Appointed to take Care of them as they passedI Had advice from the Westward about a Month ago that 60 Catawbas in 2 Companies had passed through this province in their way to Virginia, and that 500 Cherokees were then upon their march to the Back part of Virginia, but believe they passed to the Westward of our Settlements as the Shortest Road to Augusta County having had no advice of them Since, As I hear Colo. Byrd is gone to the Cherokees to prevail upon more to go I have given a power to Mr De, Rossett one of our Council to employ proper persons on the frontier to Supply such Indians who pass through this province to Assist our Troops and shall do every thing in My power to Assist all your Operations and hope that Divine providence that has so remarkably appeared in favour of the protestant religion in Germany and in the Cause of Liberty by the Glorious King of Prussia will now remarkably appear in favour of the protestant Interest in America and in the Cause of Liberty after having corrected us for our Necglect of the Indians and our Debauchery & Profaneness

When Your Excellency has Agreed about our Dividend of the £50000 be so good as to Let Me know itThat I may apply it in the best Manner for the good of the Common Cause of the Colonies in the manner Your Excellency Shall think may Be of the greatest Service

I Wish you a Succesfull Execution of all your Opperations and recommend you to the protection of the Almighty Lord of Hosts and am with Great Respect

My Lord

Your Excellencies

Most Obedient and Most Humble


Arthur Dobbs