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An officer arrived here last night with Letters from Major General Monckton giving me an account of the Signal Success of His Majesty's Arms under his Command, in the Entire Reduction of the Island of Martinique, on which great and Glorious News I most heartily Congratulate you.

The Citadel of Fort Royal Surrendered by Capitulation (the Garrison becoming prisoners of war) on the 4th. of February, in Consequence of two Defeats the Enemy received on the 24th. and 27th. Janry. in their out posts, where it Seems, they had Every advantage of Situation they could wish for; but our Troops with their usual good Behavior carried Every thing before them; Immediately on the Surrender of Fort Royal Deputies from a Majority of the Quarters of the Island, came in and Submitted to Terms of Capitulation where by they become Subjects of Great Britain; and on the 13th. February Mr. DeLaTouche, the French Governor, Sent proposals of Capitulation, which having been Agreed upon, General Monckton took possession of S. Pierre, and the whole Island on the 16th.

What adds greatly to this Conquest, is that it has been accomplished with the Loss of very few Men, among whom there is not one officer of Distinction.

I am, with great regard



Additional Paragraph

To Governors, Hardy, Wentworth, Hamilton, Sharp, Fauquier, Dobbs Boone.

By a Letter I received last Night from Mr. Hancock at Boston, he assures me that a vessell arrived at Marblehead had brought certain accounts of a Spanish War having been declared in England the 5th. January; altho' I have not this from Authority, I can't help mentioning it,* that you may make what use you think proper of it to Rouze your Assembly to Exert themselves with a becoming Spirit, at a time when His Majesty's Arms, in humbling the pride of one Enemy, is threatned by another power no less formidable.

*To Govr. Wright; That you may take Every precaution in your power to prevent any alarms on your frontiers on the news of a Spanish war.

P.S. To Governor Boone.

I must not omit acknowledging the Receipt of your favor of the 11th. Instant, which came to hand Last night; and I hope you will have received the Earl of Egremont's Letter Containing the King's Requisition for the provincial Service, with Another on the Subject of Recruits for the Regular Corps accompanied with one from myself.

N.B. The Foregoing Letter, with the Above Alterations, to the Governors of Newhampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticutt, New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia.