To the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations
The Memorial of Arthur Dobbs Esqr., His Majesty's Governor of the Province of North Carolina in America,
Humbly sheweth,
That in the Year 1733 His Majesty was graciously pleased by his Royal Sign Manual, dated the 25th of September, to direct that a Salary of one thousand Pounds per Annum should be paid to His Governor of the Province of North Carolina out of the Revenue of the Quit Rents within the said Province, and also at the same time to establish other Salaries payable out of the said Revenue for the other Officers of Government in proportion to their respective Employments.
That for want of a proper Regulation and due Management of the said Revenue, it has fallen so far short of answering the said Establishment, that the Arrears of Salary, due at this time to the Officers of Government, do amount to a very large Sum, of which there is due to the late Governor no less than thirteen thousand four hundred and sixty two Pounds nineteen Shillings and two Pence, and in like proportion to the rest of the other Officers; all which remains to be discharged, before your Memorialist can receive any Advantage from the Said Establishment; and how little Probability there is of this being effected within any reasonable time will sufficiently appear to Your Lordships from the annexed Account of the annual Receipt of the Quit Rents within this Province from the Year 1745 to the Year 1748 inclusive.
In this Situation Your Memorialist thinks it his Duty, for His Majesty's Service and Interest, for the Credit of the Government with which His Majesty has been graciously pleased to intrust him, and in Justice to the Officers of Government, to lay a true State of his Case before Your Lordships, in confidence that Your Lordships will, upon due consideration of the Facts herein before stated, and of the manifest Inconveniencies, which must result from the Officers of the Crown being left, if not wholly, at least for many Years without any Support in a Government, the weak unsettled State of which calls for the most diligent Attention to their Duty, be pleased to represent to His Majesty the Necessity there is to support the Government of that Province by a proper Provision for your Memorialist out of some other Fund than the Quit Rents, until such time as they can be so far increased as to answer the Establishment of the Province, and pay off the Arrears due to the several Officers upon the Establishment, which Your Memorialist, in conjunction with the respective Officers of the Government, will use his best Endeavours to increase and make effectual.
All which is humbly submitted by.
Arthur Dobbs
An Abstract of Eliezer Allen His Accounts of Quit Rents in North Carolina.
Currency Sterling Proclamation Money
For the Year 1745 323. 7. 6
For the Year 1746 402. 0. 6
For the Year 1747 389. 6. 1
For the Year 1748 146.13.--
1261. 7. 1
North Carolina
Memorial of Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Governor of North Carolina to the Board of Trade, setting forth the insufficiency of the Quitrents of that Province to pay the Salaries of the Governor and other Officers, and praying their Lordships to represent to His Majesty the necessity of making some other Provision for the said Salaries.
Received Janry. 14
Read —31 1754.