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My Lord Granville has received your Letter of the 9th. instant, written to him by Order of The Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, inclosing therein an Extract of a Letter to their Lordships of the 9th November 1754 from Mr Dobbs, Governor of His Majesty's Province of North Carolina, in which he represents the Expediency of surveying the several Counties in that Province, as a Means of discovering the true Quantities of Land granted in each County, & thereby improving His Majesty's Revenue; & submits whether It woud not be proper that Application shou'd be made To My Lord Granville, to send Orders to His Agents to join in the Expence of Surveying such Counties As are divided between The Crown & His Lordship, in Proportion to the Number of Acres belonging to His Lordship in such Counties: And you acquaint My Lord, that You are directed by The Lords Commissioners to desire His Lordship wou'd favour the Board with his Opinion thereon; To the End their Lordships may send proper Directions To Mr. Dobbs upon the Point. In Answer to which, I am directed by My Lord Granville to desire You will acquaint the Lords, that His Lordship having at present no Manner of Occasion for resurveying those Lands, Which are situate withn. his own District, And as Such Resurveys, as are proposed to be made within the Same, can no Ways tend to improve the Revenue of the Crown, Which is the Object of Mr. Dobbs' Proposal, So His Lordship does not see there can be any Necessity for transmitting to His Agents such Orders as are mentioned by the Governor.

I am Sir,

your very humble Servant

Tho. Child

North Carolina
Letter from Mr. Child, by Order of my Ld. Granville, to Mr. Pownall, dated the 29th. of April 1755, in Answer to one from him to his Lordship, inclosing, by Order of the Board, an Extract of a Lettr. to their Lordships from Mr. Dobbs, Govr. of North Carolina, relating to the Expediency of Resurveying the several Counties in that Province.

Read May 28, 1755.
