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To His Excellency the Governor of North Carolina,


Agreeable to the Acts of Assembly and the Rules of Military Disciplin I have Been under the necessity of making known to your Excellency the Situation of our Affairs with Regard to the Militia, that is to say, Colos. William person having Neglected to Quollify to Colos. Commission for this three years Last past, & Refusing to Act as Colos. of the Regiment, I have taken the Burthen therof on my Self as being Liuetinant Colol, and have Calld a General Muster and with the help of the Major, have Examind the Several Companys agreeable to Law and have hearwith Sent you the Several Lists of Militia Returnd to me by the Clerks & Captains of the Reagment and as there is Several of the Captains that has neglected to make their Apearance & Likewise to Doe their Duty Otherwise, and that Som of them are Removd, out of their Destrict & Som Deceast.

I have hearwith Sent a List of the Gentlemens names that I would Recommend to your Excelency for Captains in the Rome of those who have Been Deficient in their Duty—

Viz. Ephram Hamton in the Rome of Sherrod Harris Dt.

Thomas Willingham in the Rome of Hennery Howard, Removd.

Thomas Cook in the Rome of Dan. OSheal, not Quald.

And as your Excellency will observe By the following Lists that Several of the Companys are too Large and as they are very Desirous to Be Divid'd, if your Excelency would favour us with som Blank Comissions for the Subolterns I would Indeavour to Devide them & fill up the Commissions for Som persons of Abillity, who Should be most Convenant to the people—

Likewise if your Excellency Should think fitt to Give me the Command of the Regiment of Granville, I would Beg Leave to Recommend to your Excellency the officers most fiting for that purpose, Viz: Majr. Osborn Jeffres to be Lieuetenant Colol., & Captain William Johnson as Major, and that you would please to send a Captain's Commission for Mr. John Christmas who was Mr. Johnson Lieutenant.

And that you would Excuse my Long & Teagou[s] Letter, and am, Dr. Sir

your most Obediant

most Oblidgant

and most Hum. Serv't

James Paine