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I Had not the Honr. of yrs of the 9th of December before the 9th Instant, wherein you communicate his Majesty's Resolution of prosecuting the War in American with the greatest vigour, an his Orders to this and all the other Colonies to Exert their whole Force upon this critical emergency.

I Have immediately upon it Summond the Council to meet me at Wilmington on friday next the 13th, to consider of the shortest day and most convenient Place to convene the Assembly to take no Time, which I shall do by expresses. I am greatly concerned that the orders were so long in coming, But shall with the greatest zeal press the Assembly to exert their utmost Force; They cant possibly assemble before the beginning of May and it will take time to raise and Compleat any additional Troops, which can be of no Service to the Northward where the Campaign Must be early. But as Fort Du Quesne is ours as small force from the adjoining Provinces may take the detached Forts upon the Lakes. But if any Attack s made at Mobile or the Mississippi from Georgia we may have them ready to join the South Carolinians where a late Campaign will answer to the Southward.

We have not any arms for our Troops there are not 200 left but what have been lost by deserters or have been distributed to arm the Militia on the Sea Coast and northwestern Frontier.

I pray God to grant Success to the vigourous measures you have inspired, and depend upon the divine Assistance in support of the Protestant Christian Church and Cause of Liberty; which I am enthusiast enough to believe will in this and next year be made manifest by a glorious peace and the Papist Hierarchy will be greatly Depressed.

I wish you all Happiness in your Administration and am with great Respect


yr most Obedient &

most Humble Servant

Arthur Dobbs

No. Carolina April 11th. 1759.
Govr. Dobbs
Rx July 23d