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To his Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Captain General Governor and Commander in chief in and over the Provine of North Carolina.

The petition of Several of the Inhabitants of the Town of New Bern and County of Craven whose Children are under the Tuition of Thomas Thomlinson.

Humbly sheweth.

That there never has been in this part of the Province Any regular settled Schoolmaster.

That Thomas Thomlinson lately arrived from England and well recommended with regard to his Abilities as a Scholar as also with Regard to his Sobriety and good Conduct wou’d be willing to settle in this part of the Province provided he cou’d meet with Suitable Encouragement.

That to encourage the said Thomas Thom[lin]son as much as in their power a number of Inhabitants of this [Town] and County as well as several of the adjacent Counties. [torn] very desirous to have their Children under the Tuition of t[torn] Thomas Thomlinson have Subscribed considerable Su[torn] money amounting to above three Hundred pounds Procla[mation] for the building of a large and commodious Schoolhouse [torn] [To]wn of New Bern that the said Thomas Thomlinson [torn] enabled to take a greater number of Scholars under [torn] and provide himself with a proper Assistant.

That being fully sensible of the great [torn] it must be to the riseing Generation to have a good sch[olar] settled in the Town of New Bern they are very desirous [torn] said Thomas Thomlinson shou’d continue among them [torn] schoolmaster whom to their general satisfaction they [torn] experienced to be well qualified not Only to instruct the [torn] in Such branches of usefull Learning as are necessary [torn] in the Several Offices and Stations of Life but also [torn] imprint on their tender minds the principles of the Christian Religion by Salutary precepts and a prudent Example.

That your petitioners having learnt from the Annual sermons and Accounts of the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts that Several Schoolmasters in the American Colonies have annual Stipends for their Encouragement from the Said Society and recollecting that your Excellency has always shewn your Self a favourer and Encourager of every thing that might seem calculated for the Improvement of youth by frequently recommending to the Assembly the erecting and endowing of public Schools in different parts of the Province. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray your Excellency in behalf of the said Thomas Thomlinson that your Excellency wou’d be pleased to recommend the Said Thomas Thomlinson to the Incorporated Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts as a person w[orth]y of Such and Additional yearly allowance as to the Venerable M[em]bers of the Said society in their wisdom and Consideration [torn] seem meet.

And your petitioners as in duty bound will every pray &c.

Mr. Thomlinson being well and Recommended to me the Reverend Mr. Read Missionary at Wilmington Newbern I do recommend this petition to the Hono[rable] Society.

Arthur Dobbs

North Carolina
A Petition from the Inhabitants of Newbern, in Craven County, Addressed to Govr Dobbs and by him transmitted & recommended to the Society.

Read at a Committee
Oct. 15. 1764