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I Have the Satisfaction to Inform You, that by the Gosport Man of War, Just now Arrived from St. John's, I have Received Letters from Lord Colvill, & Lt. Colonel Amherst, Acquainting me that the Ships under His Lordship's Command, and the Troops under the Command of Lt. Colonel Amherst, had Retaken St. John's; the Garrison Consisting of Seven Hundred & Seventy men, under the Command of the Compte D'Haussonville, having Surrendered by Capitulation on the 18th. September, to be Prisoners of War, whereby that Place, and Consequently the Whole Island of Newfoundland, becomes again Entirely into His Majesty's Possession: This gives me a particular pleasure, as the Dislodging the Enemy from thence is of so much Consequence to the Trade of this Continent: I Enclose you a Copy of the Articles of Capitulation, as they have been Transmitted to me by Lt. Colonel Amherst.

I am, with great Regard,

Sir, &ca.

Jeff: Amherst.

NB. The Foregoing Letter; To all the Governors on the Continent of North America.

Copy of Sir Jeffery Amherst's Circular Letter to the Governors on the Continent of North America. On the Retaking of St. John's
Dated New York, 13th. October 1762.

in Sir J. Amherst's of Octr. 26th. 1762

No. 4.