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On the 26th. Ultimo I had the Favor of your Letter of the 9th. and am extremely glad to find you had then One Hundred Recruits Enlisted for the Regular Service: I therefore now send Lieut. Williamos in the Brig Endeavour, with Orders to Review the Men, & pay them the King's Bounty, & the Officers the Rewards, agreable to my first promise, tho' I think it would be much better for the Men, that they did not Receive theirs untill they Arrived at this Place, which Lieut. Williams will fully Explain to you; However if they Insist upon it, he is to pay them. By the time this Vessell Arrives, I flatter Myself you will have been able to Compleat the Quota required, and therefore She is Victualled for the Whole Number, & will proceed to this place, so soon as they are Embarked.

I am, with great Regard,

Sir, &ca.

Jeff: Amherst.

Copy Letter from Sir Jeffery Amherst to Governor Dobbs.
Dated New York, 2d. July 1762.
In Answer to the Govr's. of 9th June. That he was Extremely glad to find 100 Recruits were already Raised in No. Carolina for the Regular Corps, & therefore Dispatched Lieut. Williamos, in a Vessell, to Receive & bring Round the Whole, which the General does not doubt will be Ready by the time the Vessell can get to Brunswick.

in Sr. J. Amherst's of July 20: 1762
No. 5.