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My Lords

I have herewith sent to your Lordships the Acts of the last Assembly under the Province Seal, and the Duplicates of the Journals of the two Houses of the first Session. I Had not your Lordships Letter of the 16th. of June until last night, & when I got a Duplicate of it from Governor Morris, the Original never having come to my Hand; and along with it He sent me your Lordships Letter of the 19th. of September of which I got the Duplicate last Saturday, and on monday morning issued a Proclamation for the Colonels and commanding Officers who had not lately made me Returns of their several Regiments, or Troops or who had not returned an Account of what arms each Troop or Company had, forthwith to mend their returns, and transmit them to me; and also that all the County Clerks shoud send me a list of their Taxables in each County, distinguishing the Whites from the Blacks, wherever they coud, and what number they Imagined might have secreted their Taxables, as I find many Do. for by getting Informations lodged in this County of Craven, last year we have Increased the number of Taxables about 300, the Laws have been so negligently looked into, I shall when these come in, fully answer the first of the Letters about the Forts Ammunition and Arms, the 1000 arms I got when I Came over will be Distributed to the five Companies, raised, and to be raised, and to the Militia of the exposed Counties, and near the Sea Coast for our Defense; ammunition or lead we have none, but from hand to mouth, and very little in the Merchants hands; But I shall refer it till I Answer the Letter fully to each Particular. The Former Letter about the state of the Colonies in general, and the management of the Indian Trade, I shall Collect my thoughts upon it, and freely send my opinion to your Lordships, that you may compare it with the Thoughts of Gentlemen in the other Provinces, and form your Judgement when you shall have the several Opinions before you, and shall loose no time in preparing answers to both your Letters. 

Governor Dinwiddie in sending two Commissioners and Presents to the Cherokees, and Catawbas, for to Confirm their Friendship and to procure their Assistance, and has wrote to me to send two from this Province, to Joyn them, which I shall do, tho' I have no Presents to send them. We long much for Mr. Littleton's Arrival, otherwise Mr. Glenn will Counteract us, and keep them away as he did before. 

I Sent your Lordships a list of 3 Persons for to be of the Council, there being two Vacancies here, and Sent Duplicates at the end of 8bre. which I Hope you have Received.

I Have nothing further to add but that I am with due Respect

My Lords

Your Lordships

Most Obedt. and

Most Humble Servt. 

Arthur Dobbs

North Carolina. 
Letter from Arthr. Dobbs Esqr. Govr. of North Carolina, to the Board, dated Newbern the 15th. of December 1755, transmitting Acts passed in the last Assembly, and other Papers; And acknowledging the Receipt of the Board's Letters dated the 16th. of June & 19th. of September 1755.

Recd. May the 7th.
Read ——11 1756.
