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My Lord,

Governor Lyttelton having informed me that the Committee of the Assembly of South Carolina have made a Report of their Opinion about a proper Boundary Line that he shou'd soon be able to send to England their Opinion in what Manner they wou'd have it run, but not having acquainted me how far, and where, they propose it, I must rest it upon what I before wrote about it, as the Sense of this province, and leave it to his Majesty in Council to determine upon a proper Boundary, and we are assured your Lordship will advise where the proper Boundary shall be fixed, it being absolutely necessary that it shou'd be fixed and laid out as soon as possible. 

The Council of this province having petitioned His Majesty in Council that he wou'd be graciously pleased to give them an Appointment upon his Quit Rents, which will soon now if carefully collected pay off all the Arrears as it is daily increasing and also pay the Establishment altho an Appointment shou'd be given to the Council for their fatigue Attendance and Expence in the executing their Trust; since His Majesty has been pleased to grant the like favour to the Council in VirginiaThey have desired me to apply to your Lordship for your favour and Interest in procuring it for them, in Case you think their Petition reasonable, and the Board of Trade if referred to them, shou'd make a Report in favour of it.

As I am convinced your Lordship has the Interest how the Interest of this province at Heart I shall only beg leave to assure you that I am with the greatest Respect   

My Lord

Your Lordship's

most obedient and

most humble Servant

Arthur Dobbs

No. Carolina.
New Bern 1st. June 1757.
Governor Dobbs—
Recd. 5th. August—