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Before me Edwd Mosely Esqr one of the members of the Council and Authorised to take the Depositions of certain persons relateing to the boundarys of this Government Personally came and appeared Charles Merritt aged fifty five years or thereabouts, Who on his Oath on the Holy Evangelists taken Saith that he came into Virga. in or about the year 1666. And lived about Twenty years on the Southside James River and then lived on theA plantation of Collo Benja: Harrison on Blackwater and within call of the Weyanoake Indian Forte and continued their five years during which Time this Deponent had frequent Discourses with the Indians & was by them informed that they never claimed to the Southward of the Maherine River But at the Time that the Oppachankanongh was Routed and Taken for the Massacre he had committed, the Weyanoakes (being his Confederates & fearing the English) removed themselves from that place which is now called Weyanoake In James River, to Warr-a-keeks on Weyanoake River and after, when the Poachyacks killed their King they were by the English brought from thence and placed on the Blackwater aforementioned as Tributarys where this Deponent lived by them, and this Deponent further Saith that he was informed by the Weyanoakes that the Weyanoake River, now called Nottoway was their bounds and that they never Seated to the Southward of Warr-a-keeks

the mark of   
Charles P Merritt

Capt. et Jurat. Duodecimo
die Jany Anno Domi 1707

Coram me Edwd: Moseley