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At a Council holden at the House of the Honble. Colll. Thomas Pollock in Chowan on Tuseday the 4th. day of June Anno Dom 1717

Present the Honble Charles Eden Governer Captn. Genl & Admll

The Honble {Thos Pollock, Fredk. Jones, Fras. Foster, T. Knight, N. Chevin} Esqrs. Lds Proprs. Depties.


Wensday morning June the fifth 1717 this board met again Presidnt at Supra together with the Honble. Colll. Reed


Whereas the Tuscarora Indyans by their Articles of peace with this Goverment were bounded and Limited for their Future Settlement to a Certain Tract of Land lying between Onionquits-tah Creek on Pamplico River and Neuse river to which settlement they were to repaire so soon as the Warr should be over But for as much as the Indyan Warr is since broken out in South Carolina the aforsaid Tuscarore Indyans have Signified to this Goverment that they are in Danger of being Attacked and destroyed by those Indyans and therefore has prayed to be Allowed a Settlement on Morratock River for their further Security. Now be it known that it is hereby mutally agreed on between the Honble. Charles Eden Governor Captn. Genl and Adml of this province by and with the Advice and Consent of the Council for and on behalf of himselfe and the Inhabitants of this Govermt. and King Blount for and on behalf of himself and the rest of the Tuscarora Indyans That forasmuch as the said Blount & his Indyans have been very Servicable to this Goverment and still Continues so to be And as a particular mark of Favour from this Goverment They do hereby Give unto him the said Blount for his further and better support of himselfe and his Indyans all the Land lying between Mr Jones's Lower line on the North side of Morratock river to Quitmah Swamp And the said King Blount doth hereby Agree to remove all his Indyans from off the other Lands down to Rosoosskee by Chistmass next And that they shall not molest nor disturb the Inhabitants nor their Stocks in Hunting in any of the Adjacent Grounds but that they shall take all the due Care therein they Can and that they Shall not nor will not Claim any Right or property to any Other Lands hereafter on Either Side of the said Morratock River

In Witness whereof the said Parties have Interchangably Set their hands and Seals this fifth day of June 1717