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Att a Council holden at the house of the honble. Charles Eden Esqr. Govr. &ca. in Chowan on Fryday the 17th. day of Decr. 1714.

Present The Honble Charles Eden Esqr. Govr. Capt. Genl. & Admll.

The Honble. {Nathl. Chevin, C: Gale, Fra Foster} Esqrs Lds. proptrs. Deptys.

The honble the Govr. haveing reported to this Board that Coll. Thos. Boyd who was Deputy to the Rt. Honble. the Ld. Craven has resigned his Deputacon and that he has appointed Tobias Knight Esqr. to be Deputy to the Said Ld Craven in the roome and Stead of the Said Thos: Boyd, untile his Lds p: pleasure shall be further knowne, which being approved on by this Board the said Tobias Knight tooke and Subscribed the Several Oathes by Law appointed to be taken for his quallification and then took his place at the board accordingly.

The honble. the Govr. haveing laid before the Board a Petition from divers of the Inhabitants of the Precincts of Beaufort & Hyde to him directed thereby praying that the persons appointed to keep Garrison at the house where Mr. Reading did Live might be ordered to keep the Said Garrison at the house where James McCoy lately lived as being most proper for the Defense of the Inhabitants agt. the Enemy. And the board haveing Considered thereof. It is their humble request that the Honble. the Govr. will be pleased to Issue out his ordrs to the Officers of that Garrison to detach such a Number of the White men and Indyans as he Shall think fitt to keep the Said Garrison at McCoys and that he will order the remainder to Keep & Support the Said Garrison at Readings.