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Articles of Agreement made & Concluded on by & between Daniel: Akehurst Caleb Callaway Thomas Blount & Henry Slade of on parte in be halfe of the Goverment of North Carolina & Sothell King of the bear river Indians of th with his Great men on behalfe of the sd nation of the other With effects Parts as followeth

1ly The sd Indians shall at all times if they are accused by any English man or Indians of Murdering any of the Kings Subjects they shall send the said Indians soe accused into the English Goverment or to sum officer to Answer the sd Accusation

2ly: If any Shipp or vessell shall be cast away on any shore & any of the men shall be found that have esscaped the Seae they shall releive them with Provisions & Cunduct them to sum English Plantation for which they shall have a match coat & sward for each man soe [con]ducted & what Goods they find on the Sea Shore [damaged] shall deliver to the English Goverments & they [damaged]llow them reasonable Salvage for the same [damaged] goods they can take up that are runn a [damaged] shall bring into the English as allsoe the [damaged] or vessel in which they are & Goods [damaged] shall have a match coats for each [damaged] taken up

[damaged] [In]dians shall at all times assist the [damaged]inst all Indians as shall ofer [damaged] [a]gainst the English or any Indians [damaged]th them

5ly: The sd King or Sum of his Great men shall yearly & every year make their appearance at the Genirall Corte to be holden in July & then & their pay to pair of Skins as a tribute to the English Goverment—

King Sothell


Edmund Wells

Capt. Gibbs

Lewis Vandermulen

Geo. Fisher