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Att a Councill held att the House of Captn. John Hecklefield in Little River Aprill the 12th 1704.

Prsent the Lords Deputes.

Orderd that the Surveyr. Generall or Deputy Shall (with what Expedition is possible) Upon Complaint of the Yawpim Indians Lay out for the sd Indians (where they now live) four miles Square of Land or the Quantity Not injuring any of the old Settlements which was made before the Order of Councill bearing Date in October 1697 And Mr. John Hawkins Mr. Thomas Tayler Mr. Robert Morgan & Mr. John Relfe or any three of them are hereby required to attend the Surveyr. or Deputy in laying out the Same.

To John Anderson Deputy Surveyr. &c. to be directed to Captn. Tho: Relfe to execute with Speed & make returne—