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To the Honourable General Court: President & Councill

The petition of Benjamin Blanshard John Campbell Thomas Spivey Francis Rountree, Robert Rountree, Robert Lasiter, George Lasiter and Nicholas Stallings in all humility


Whereas every of yer Honrs petitionrs hath a lawfull right in and to considerable tracts of land lying and being within this Province and bounding upon Bennet's Creyke and a Creyke now known by the name of Garet's Creyke as by yer Honours petitionrs patents under the Seale of this Province and other grants and conveyances more at large doth and may appeare. And forasmuch as the Chewan Indians haveing their hunteing quarters upon some of yer petitionrs Lands aforesaid therefore doe pretend the said lands to be theirs notwithstanding the patents and grants aforesaid: minaceing and threatening yer Honrs petrs. by destroying their Stocks burning their houses and other hostilities under pretence they are under yer Honrs protection, and no Englishman ought to seate within four miles of their towne, the which yer Honnrs petitionrs well knowing that by an ordr of the Honourable Councill no seatment ought to be made within the space of four miles aforesaid anywise to the prejudice of the said Indians neither hath yer honrs petitionrs taken up any land witingly within that distance. Yet to continue peace and tranquility with the said Indians yer Honrs petitionrs hath offered to purchase their right (if any) to the Land held as aforesd by yer Honors petrs which they refuse and denyeth any seatment to be made theron for prevention wherof and that yer Honrs petitionrs may have a peaceable enjoyment in their and every of their aforesd lands humbly implore that the said Indians land may be laid out to them according to the aforesd order of Councill, and if any of yer Honrs petrs hapen to hold any land within the aforesd limited bounds it shall be by yer petitionrs diserted and left out to the said Indians use, that they as well as yer Honrs petitionrs in their capacity may be found true & faithfull subjects. And that yer Honers petitionrs may enjoy their said lands in peace & safty and as in all duly bound shall ever pray &c

Benjamin Blaishard &c

and the marshal
Abraham Hobbs

June [illegible]