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I thought to a beane the bearer my self butt not being well at present haveing a could I thought going from home might Increase itt theire fore I send my son to give the Accounte A counte a boute the Indianes these Answer they weare gon to meahearin Towne no men at the Cabins uppon Lewis williames Land I tould them to gettogether all the Indianes and I would tell them my besines. Then I warned them of Lewis williames his land and to be gon with theire corne and Cabins outher wise they must Expeckt to be forced of if they did not be gon in by the twenty day of this Instant making them Senceable the meaning plane of this warning making them Senceable the Evill and danger they would bring uppon them selves if they did not hasten a way by the time limited

And After a long consultation a mongst them selves. Theire Answer it would Ruin them to Re move now all Indianes is a going a great way of a hunting now is the time a yeare ^to^ gett Skins be sides they must shell theire corne be for they can Remove it and bark will note Strip now they cannot buield up theire cabins a gaine noather have they Anny land to goe toe for the great toune is full they say with but this winter they will provide them selves with land and Remove all they have by the Spring clear of Lewis williames land they desire to have liberty till the spring but if they cannot have that liberty the Inglis may work this wintir uppon the land only they are verry dutfull they will Receve great damidgis by Reson theire corne and Cabins lieth all open they desired that we might make no lise of them for they heare som doth make a great manny lise of them, they did not give a mis be have ing word to Anny body but wear verry civell and kinde (more Reseons then I doe hear Expres in Excuse for theire not Removeing this wintir)

your humble Servant to command

To the Honrble
Coll Thomas

Wm Barrow debt
3 feb 18—11
Wm H [illegible]