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Nath. Chevin Esqr. is plf. agt. Coll. Wm. Reed Esqr. Deft. in a plea of the Case.

And the Said plf. Demands of the Deft. the Sume of Twenty nine pounds: five Shillings which to him he oweth &ca. for that whereas at a Committy of both: houses of Assembly: holden at the house of Capt: John Hecklefield in Little river on the 20th of March anno: 1711 it was Taken into Consideration, that Certaine Indian Captives belongen to the Town of Bare river Should ^be^ Exposed to sale: to such persons as should bid Highest for them and that the money: thereby arising upon the sale of the said Indians should be paid into the hand: of the sd: Plf: on or before the Tenth of march then next Ensueing, at which time & place the afsd: Deft: for and in Consideration of the five of the afsd: Indian Slaves upon: himself Did assume and then & there Did faithfully promise: That he: the afsd: Sume of Twenty nine pounds & five Shillings: would well: & Truely: pay to the ^sd^ plf: [fully convey the publick:] ^convey & pay^ on or before: the tenth day of march then next following, yett the Deft: the afsd. Sume: of Twenty nine pounds five Shillings to the plf hath not yett paid but the Sume to pay hath & Doth still refuse tho often thereunto required whereby the plf. at the afsd. [illegible] is Damlified & hath Damage to the value of five pounds & therefor he bring this Suite &ca

Chevin Plf

Coll. Wm. Reed is Deft. at the suit of Natha: Chevin Esqr [RC] in a plea of the Case &c

And the said Deft. by E: Moseley, his Attrney comes and defends tho force & Injury when &ct And Saith That he did not assume in manner & forme &ct. And of this he putts himself upon the Country

Moseley for Deft.

And the Plf. in like manner

Bonwicke ⅌ Deft:


vs          } Case

Wee of The Jury find for The Plf—