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The Depition of Richard Nixson being of full aoge & Sworne on the Holy Evangelist before us Gyles Shute & Joshua Porter Esqrs. Two of his Majties. Justices of the peace of the precincts of Beufort & Hyde. Saith that four or five Indians Came up to his house & that mr Dudley was at his house when they Came. So when they Came up he asked them where are you a Goeing & the Indians Satt down without Giveing him any Answer; then one Old Indian, Named Sighacka: Blount Came up After the Rest, & when he Came up he Asked what is the matter & Replyd, English men here Allways Scold, then mr Dudley Said you Shall not hunt here, for this Land is all mine, then old Sighacka Said, that he would Goe hunt, & Catch Beavers, with that mr Dudley, Catched up a board, and said will you Goe, And Struck him, upon the head, And Caused the Blood to Run, and then the Aforsd Sighacka held up his Arm to Defend the Blow: and Recd the Blow upon his Arm and mr John Gardiner; Stept in Betwen them and parted them And the Indian Satt down on a block, and Said that mr Dudley had broake his Arm And with; that I went to the Indian and took hold of his Arm & felt on it and to the best of my under Standing that there was one bone Broak Bettwen the Elbow & Wrist two dayes after I See the Indian Again and his hand & arm was very much Swelld & the Indian told me that the Bone was Broak & nine or tenn days ^after^ I See the Indian Goeing home and his arm was Splintered; And he said he would Goe and tell King Blount; for King Blount he Said would Goe to Capt West; & peace make it and farther Saith Not

Jurat Corum Nobiss
Gyles Shute
Joshua Porter

Nixon's Deposition

The Depetition of mr Richd. Nixon being of full age & hath made Oath on the holy Evangelist that on the before us two of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the precincts of Beafort & hyde in the County of Bath