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Where as Mr. Thomas Amy hath made Information to me that he with some other men being in an Indian Canoe with five Indians who pretended to Carry them to the English butt goeing a Shoare they took up a Gun and a bow and Arrow and presented it at the said Mr. Amy butt he haveing one of the Indians in the Canoe who could not readily leap out he secured him and pretended to kill him with his sword upon which they run away—Wherefore in his Maties. named I doe Impower the Said Mr. Thos. Amy Capt. Thos. Luten Mr. Nichos. Tyler and Capt. Nicho. Daw and Mr. Wm. Barrow or any three of them to goe to the Matchepungo or Bear River Indians and there to demaund the aforesaid Indians to be delivered up to them who made that assault as alsoe the Armes which they Conveyed away: and to use such other meanes in the managemt. of the same affaire to as to you or any three of you shall think fitt and if they shall deliver up the same Indians to bring them before the Councill holden the first Monday in June next and I doe in his Maties. name to will & require you to press Men horse boate and other Conveniences as shal be by you thought most for the doeing hereof And I doe require and Comand all his Mates. subjects [damaged] be obediant to you in the fullfulling here[damaged] And you are to Returne an accot. of your proceedings herein And for what you shall doe in the fullfilling hereof ^this^ shal be your wart.

Given under my hand the 14th May Anno 1701