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The Caswell Training School

Mr. Jno. P. Kerr, Private Sec.,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Sir:

In reply to yours as per request of the governor,1 I beg to say this Chambers child referred to is a very low grade, or type and we have no provisions made for caring for this grade of children. I have been solicited now from every point possible to admit this child. I have 120 applications and a great many of them in a far worse condition than this child, and no room.

I had asked the Legislature and hoped that they would grant us a building and provide for same, but this they didn't do, therefore, I am helpless.

Assure His Excellency that my heart goes out to this man and I would be delighted could I go to every so afflicted home in North Carolina and relieve them of just such burdens and sorrows, but such is impossible.

Yours most respectfully,

C. B. McNairy, M.D. Supt.


1. Item not found among the papers of Locke Craig.