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Local Exemption Board,
Albemarle, N.C.


I am just in receipt of a letter from Mr. J. W. Deese, Serial No. 5, Order No. 272, who says that he has a wife and father and mother, all dependent upon him. If this be true he ought to go in Class 3 or 4; in fact, as I have tried to make it plain to exemption boards, no married man who has in good faith been in the habit of supporting his wife ought to be placed in Class 1. The purpose of the law is to get the net quota, if possible, from single men. It is not my disposition in any way to substitute my judgment for the judgment of the Board. If this man has not been in the habit of supporting his wife then, of course, he ought to be in the fore-front, or Class 1. But if he has been supporting her he ought not to be called until all the single men in the county are exhausted.

Very truly yours,
