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Mr. Victor S. Bryant,
Durham, N.C.

My dear Mr. Bryant:-

Replying to yours in regard to Mrs. Hall, I regret to say that the hospital at Morganton and at Raleigh seem to be utterly unable to meet the demands made upon them. The war or something else is running our people crazy, and the State is simply without facilities for taking care of all of them. The appropriation made by the General Assembly is utterly inadequate to take care of the inmates now in the hospital. This is due to excessive prices not taken into consideration when the appropriations were made. Notwithstanding the fact that each institution is going in debt every month, I have given specific instructions to admit every worthy case so long as a bed can be found in which to place the patients. I have told the authorities that I was willing to assume the entire responsibicity for going beyond the amount appropriated and contracting debts for the care of these unfortunates.

Very truly yours,
