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To all Local Exemption Boards,


Letters coming to me indicate that the wives and parents of men in the army are not well posted upon the allotments and allowances made for the support of those dependent upon soldiers. I would be glad for you to get the local papers to carry a summary of these allotments and allowances given below. A number of fathers and mothers have been to see me, complaining that they could not live without the services of their sons, and in every case when I have explained these allotments and allowances, they have gone away entirely satisfied so far as the question of their support is concerned. 

SUMMARY: It is expected that every soldier shall allot a portion of his wages to those dependent upon him. With respect to a wife or child the government requires an allotment of not less than $15 per month. The judgment of the government is that the balance of the soldier’s wages will be ample for him. The government clothes, feeds and doctors a soldier and pays every necessary expense, so that after making this allotment of $15 to those dependent upon him, he has $15 a month for pin money. An unmarried soldier should certainly make an allotment of $15 per month to those dependent upon him, if there be any. Certainly neither he nor they should make any complaint until this is done.

In addition to these allotments from the wages of the soldier the government makes to dependents the following allowances:

Class A. Wife, child, or children:
(a) If there be a wife and no child, $15.
(b) If there be a wife and one child, $25.
(c) If there be a wife and two children, $32.50, with $5 per month for each additional child.
(d) If there be no wife, but one child, $5.
(e) If there be no wife, but two children, $12.50.
(f) If there be no wife, but three children, $20.
(g) If there be no wife, but four children, $30, with $5 per month additional for each additional child.

Class B. Grandchild, parent, brother or sister:
(a) If there be one parent, $10.
(b) If there be two parents, $20.
(c) For each grandchild, brother, sister, and additional parent, $5.

It will be seen from the above that the total provision made by the government for a dependent, out of the soldier’s wages and out of the fund provided by Congress, is $25 per month for one parent; $30 per month per wife; $35 per month for two parents; $40 per month for wife and one child, with $5 per month for each additional child. For wife, one child and parents the government will pay $45 per month, plus $15 out of the soldier’s wages, making $60 per month.

Please give to these figures the widest publicity.

Very truly yours,
