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Ack [handwritten at top]

To his Excellency;
T. W. Bickett, Governor,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

This Board finds it impossible to carry out instructions relative to acertaining the true condition of parties who appeal from this Board to the District Board, or when the the District Board directs this Board to take evidence to support the action of this Board, without some provision to pay witnesses who may be called before this Board by this Board, for the Goverment. Heretofore in the following named cases, viz: Allen McDonald, Order Number, 49 Serial Number 606. This Board caused to come before it two witnesses viz: S. W. Bates and J. W. Adams witnesses for the Goverment. They each claim $1.50 as pay for their days attendance, and in the case of Pearl Leagry Roberts, Order number 4, Serial Number 783, this Board caused to come before it W. L. McNabb and R. L. Hampton witnesses for the Goverment and they claim $1.50 each for their days attendance.

I wrote the District Board asking that it send vouchers and its reply was that each Local Board took care of its expenses. I then wrote to the Director at Raleigh, and his reply was that no provision was made to pay witnesses in such cases.

I hope your Excellency will take this matter up and see that arrangements are made by which witnesses who are called before this Board in behalf of the Goverment will receive their pay.

The witnesses above named still think they should get their money, and every time they see me ask me about it.

Yours truly,

By Edmund B. Norvell