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No: Carolina ss.

In Obedience to an Order of the Right Honoble Lds. proprietors Deputies we whose names are hereunder written being mett att the house of Seth Sothell Esqr Deceased att Salmon Creeke have upon Oath apprised the Sd Sothells Estate as it was prsented to us by Mr. John Hawkins att the Sd: place vizt

  £ s d
One Negro Man named Emanuell & Frank his Wife 40 00 00
1 Negro Man being very Old named Charles att 00 10 00
1: Indyan Woman named Dina very lame & her Child 15 00 00
1: Indyan Boy named Harry att 12 00 00
300 Gallons of Rumm & 18 Gall of Spirritts whereof Mr Hawkins alleadges that 2: Hogsheads of the Rum came in Since Madam Lears Death 47 14 00
21: Bush Salt att 3s Bush 03 03 00
45lb: Bear Skins att 00 07 06
1 pr: Milstones 01 00 00
97: Drest Buckskins att 09 14 00
126 Drest Doe Skins 09 09 00
29 Fawne Skins 01 01 09
14lb of Beaver att 02 09 00
14 Fox: & 14: Wild Catt Skins att 00 14 00
600lb. Shott at 10 00 00
50lb powder att 03 15 00
7: ½ Doz: Glass Bottles att 01 00 00
12: pr: Dore Hinges att 00 18 00
A prell of Iron: Old Blocks & Riggin 05 00 00
8 Gunns 08 00 00
203lb Nayles att 08 00 00
3: Horses att 12 10 00
  192 05 03
A parcell of Hoggs the most part being as we judge raised Since Mr Seth Sothells Decease att 30 00 00
About 100 Sheep 40 00 00
300lb of Tobb 01 05 00
1: Great Gunn att 01 00 00
In the Hall which Mr Hawkins alleadges was by Coll Lear given him      
1: Old Bedd: 2: Sheetes & Blankett att 02 00 00
2: Tables & forme & prell of old Chaires 03 00 00
In the Dairy house in like Manner given      
1: Bass pann att 01 00 00
1 plough Share & Coller att 00 10 00
In the Chamber given &c      
1: Bedd & Boulster att 02 00 00
6: Chaires att 01 00 00
2: pr: Old Andirons 00 16 00
In the Kitchen alsoe given as before      
3: old Iron potts frying panns 1: pr Andirons: 1: pr: pott Hooks 1: Spitt 04 00 00
A Small parcell of old pewter 00 06 00
A Small parcell old Brass att 00 10 00
1: hand Mill & 1: Grind Stone 01 00 00
  88 07 00

We the apprisors whose names are under written did appraise the above prmises as we judged them Worth in Currant Country Commodities according to Act as Wittness our hands this 9th. Day of July 1695.

Test B
Jno: Porter Junr

I the Subscriber doe hereby acknowledge to have reced all the above mencioned Goods according to the above apprisemt amounting to Two hundred & Eighty pounds twelve Shillings & Three pence I Say reced of John Porter Jun as Wittness my hand this 9th Day of July 1695

Tho: Pollock

Edward Smithwick
Nath Chevin

In: Tho: Pollocks Hands 281 12 3
In Wm. Duckenfields Hands 020 00 0
  301 12 3

Six pr: Blanketts & 1 Rug & a Remnant of Satten—