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At a Council held at the House of the Honoble the Presidents the 14th. day of June 1722—


The Honoble Thomas Pollock Esq President &c—
Fran: Foster}
Chris: Gale}
John Lovick &}         Esqrs Lds: Proprs: Depys:
Thos. Pollock Junr:}

The Question being put whither Lands taken up in large quantitys on the Grand Deed before the Lords Proprietors Instructions That no one Person should take up in one place above the Quantity 640 Acres and the same granted in one Patent are Saved from lapsing by building a house & planting ffencing & Tending one Acre of Ground.

The Board was unanimously of in their opinion in the Affirmative.

Coln: William Maule the Surveyr: Genll: with Coll: Robt. West having been appointed by this Board (to prevent future contests) to lay out the Tuskauroe Indians bounds on Morattock which they not having complyed with John Lovick Thomas Pollock Junr. & Robert West Esqrs are hereby appointed as soon as possible to See that affair determined and that there may be no Cavils herafter concerning their bounds on Coll: Jones Land They are to endeavour to get Coll: Edward Moseley who laid out the said Land to Attend them with Mr. William Charleton for an Interpretr: who are to be allowed for their Trouble here in as is directed in the former order of Council for that purpose.


Luke Measel being brought before this Board as Comissrs. or as Commissrs. appointed by Act of Assembly for determining affairs relating to Indians by a Warrant from the Honoble the President, for his having abused and beaten a Tuskaroroe Indian belonging to King Blount whom he knocked down with this Gun and then Sett his Dogg at him which bit him in Several places and put the said Indian in great danger of his Life. And the said Measly being Examined confessed that he with two others being in the woods heard a Gun fired which he making to found an Indian Loading his Gun who had just before killed a Deer, and that he bid the Indian go and Hunt on the other side Quitsna and the Indian making him some Answer he by force took his Gun from him and Struck him wth. it on the side of the head and that whilst they were Strugling the Examts. dog run at the Indian and bit some where about the Knee. But the Examinant denys that he Set the dog at him, as is Set forth in the Complaint.

And this Board having duly Considered of the matter & the Consequences that will attend such proceedings Doe order that the Constable doe keep the said Measel in his Custody and that he have him at King Blounts Town on Tuesday next before John Lovick Thomas Pollock and Robert West Esqr. who are hereby directed thro'ly to Examine into the Complt. and pass such Judgmt. thereon as shall be agreeable to Law & Justice And to make report of their proceedings herein to the next Council.

By order

J Lovick Secry—