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The G. C. Buquo Lime Co.
Finely Ground Lime Rock
For the Soil


Gov. Thos, W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear sir:-

I enclose a letter from Iring Randall, who deserted Camp Jackson some months ago and who returned on his own account with all papers committing him back to camp as a deserter. He also had one of your letters addressed to the Mountain Boys, in which you assured them of your good offices etc. This boys parents are very old and greatly worried over this boy, whom they are afraid will be shot or imprisoned for long years. Therefore wont you do me the favor of finding out just what has been done with him or will be possibly and do all you can to get his release? I have great sympathy for his parents and do not regard the boy as a deserter at all. He was foolish enough to get married to a real young wife and she was not able to be of service to him in getting to go back in time to receive light punishment.

There are many people here who are interested in Randall and believe him to be a good citizen and they will join me in thanking you for securing his release that he may serve his people. Kindly let me hear from you.

Yours truly,