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Official Business
Local Board Vance County

Governor T. W. Bickett.
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

Mr. John James S. Callaway, Order 599 Serial 861 was married June 27 - 1917, this marriage was the result of a courtship that has extended over a period of more than a year and was, in the opinion of the members of this board, not entered into with any intent to evade military service.

On Monday Jan 14th. the writer attended the meeting of the members of local boards held in Raleigh at which meeting you stated to the members that all marriages made since May. 18th. were “Bill of lading attatched”.

Mr. Callaway was classified on Jan. 16th. and was placed in Class 1.

Under the impression that his classification was final, in view of your statement, and wishing to serve in the marine corps, if he had to serve, Mr. Callaway asked this board for a statement that he was not in the present quota and has enlisted in the marines.

Mr. Callaway had to sign a statement that his wife was not dependent upon him and his wife subscribed to this statement, whle as a matter of fact she is,; Mrs Callaway has never worked before, but she is now working as a clerk, a position for which she is not fitted in any way.

Mr. Callaway is now stationed at Paris Island S.C. Co. 99 M. C. R. Marrine Barracks.

We enclose letter just received from Mr. Callaway and we trust that you will use your great influence to get him discharged, which we think he is entitled to.

Respectfully yours,

Local Board Vance County. N.C.

C. H. Turner

<In service>