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Hon. Newton D. Baker,
Secretary of War,
Washington, D.C.

A great many members of the North Carolina National Guard are out of employment and without means of support. It would be a blessing to these men to be employed in the construction of military camps and cantonments. They would not only be glad to do this work at the prices the Government pays civilians, but their employment would prevent the paralysis of other industries by laborers being taken away from them to build these camps. I earnestly urge you to give the members of the North Carolina National Guard the opportunity to work in this capacity. Of course I do not ask that an order be issued making it mandatory for members of the Guard to do this work, but I do ask and urge that they be given the privilege of doing it if they feel so disposed.

T. W. BickettGovernor.

Day Letter.
Charge to Executive Department State of N.C.)