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Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

We, the undersigned citizens of Hickory, N.C., feel it our duty to bring to your attention a case which has come under our observation in a patient from the State Hospital, Dix Hill, Raleigh, N.C. Mr. John K. Crouch, a most estimable citizen of this town, has a son who is epileptic and feeble-minded, and about Easter of the present year he was placed in the State Hospital at Raleigh, at which time the epileptic department was congested and the boy was placed in the insane department and later put in the sick ward. At the time he was placed in the hospital, Mr. Crouch states that he weighed 127 pounds. The boy began loosing weight and Mr. Crouch brought him home on October 25th, 1919, after he and his wife had visited the boy and found that his condition was growing much worse.

We did not see the boy upon his arrival in Hickory, but called at the home of Mr. Crouch on Sunday, November 23rd, 1919, and there looked upon the most horrible sight that could be imagined in connection with a living person. The lower part of the boy's back across his hips was one massive raw sore, the right hip bone being exposed, and bones in his back and sides could also be seen. One heel was decayed and his right ankle was also one large sore. The upper part of the boy's back apparently had somewhat healed, although there were evidences of sores there also. At the time we saw him he was a mere skeleton. Mr. Crouch informs us that when the boy arrived at home, he not only had those massive bed sores and exposed bones, but was also infected with itch. As to this, we cannot say, but can only testify as to his present condition.

Dr. H. C. Menzies, a reputable physician of Hickory, is attending Mr. Crouch's son in a professional way, and we are sure he can give you the facts in reference to the case.

We feel that this matter is deserving of a thorough investigation for the reason that just such cases as this bring our state institutions into disrepute and destroy the whole-hearted support which must be given to such institutions if they are to perform their proper functions.

We believe that you will investigate this matter in a fearless manner, and we bring it to your attention for this purpose, and for the good of the State Hospital, and ask that you communicate with Dr. H. C. Menzies, Hickory, N.C., and Mr. John K. Crouch, Hickory, N.C.

Respectfully yours,