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Biographical Description

The Pamlico were an Algonquian-speaking American Indian nation located in present-day Beaufort and Pamlico Counties in North Carolina. Residing in coastal community, the Pamlicos and their native neighbors were known for fishing and canoeing on the sound that now bears their name. During the Tuscarora War, the Pamlico allied with the lower Tuscarora against the British colonists. Towards the end of the war, the Tuscarora turned on their Pamlico allies, attacking their villages and forcing many Pamlico people into slavery. Any Pamlico that remained likely assimilated into other nearby neighboring tribes.

Today, no federally or state-recognized tribe identifies as Pamlico.

For more information and links to resources, please see our editorial statement on American Indian terminology.

As Sender

Currently there are no documents available where this individual is the sender.

As Recipient

Currently there are no documents available where this individual is the recipient.

Named In

Deposition of Robert Kingman, February 1708