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City of High Point

<Ack Sept 18 '19>

Mr. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Gov,

I want to thank you for your services in our trouble here at High Point. But for you coming just at the time you did I fear our town and state would have been disgraced by blood shed. It had been no small task to keep the Mfgrs, at bay for two weeks. It seemed that they were determined to open their factories at any cost and were daily imploring me as mayor to gather together a number of police and make the decided test as to what the union men would. I knew the temper of the union men better than the Mfgrs, did and felt if I did as asked to do the result would be a disgrace.

I was sorry to get your telegram this A. M. about Albamarle. The telegram came to you in my care and I forwarded it at once. I hope you will be as successful in getting the Mfgr,s and union men together as you were in our case. If there is any thing that I can do for you at any time let me know. I can never repay you for what you have done for High Point, and the load you took from my shoulders.

I appreciate your kind deed, and good work. With regards and best wishes I am,

Yours very truly,