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To Mr. Robert Hicks powder Recevr. for Albemarle County a Tuskarooroe Indian Named ^James^ haveing in Council been ordered a reward for Some Services done the publick.

These are therefore to require you to deliver to Mr. William Charlton three pounds of powder Nine pounds of Shote and Twelve Flints who has orders to diliver it to the sd Indian & for so doeing this shall be your Warrant.

Given under my hand at Chowan April 14th 1721—

Aprl. 22d. 1721—
Recd of Robt. Hicks the Powder Shott & Flints mentiond in the within Order.

3 Pwdr.
9 Shott
12 flints.

Wm. WC Charlton

J: Boon
[With Shott.]