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North Carolina}

The Depotition of John Gardiner [illegible] being of full Age & Sworn on the holy Evangilest before us Gyles Shute &c Joshua porter Esqrs Two of his Majesties Justices of the peace of the precincts of Beafort & hyde; Saith; that when. Sighvea Blount Came up; mr Dudley askt. him where he was A Goeing and he Said to Catch Beavers and mr Dudley Said he Should not hunt here for it was his Land, for; his doggs would Scare his Chatle & hoggs & the Said Blount made Answer that his Doggs followed, only, Beaver Racoons & Deer And Said that he would hunt and mr Dudley made answer will you and So Catcht up A board & Struck the Said Blount & the Said Blount, took up a Stick to Defend the Blow, & then he Advanced up to mr Dudley & they had a Strugle & mr Dudley pushed him Against a barrill then I halld the Indian way, And I told mr Dudley to Lett him Alone; And Dudley Bid me w then to keep him of from him; And then the Indian catcht up the End of a hoop poll, and mad Towards him So I desired the Indian to Stand of Soe went & Left them and farther Saith Not

Jurat Corum
Gyles Shute
Joshua Porter

Gardner's Depostion