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Dr. George T. Winston,
Asheville, N.C.

Dear Dr. Winston:-

Under separate cover you will please find a small perspective sketch illustrating our idea of an appropriate memorial for Mount Mitchell.

I wish to call your attention to the large sun-dial in the foreground from which four paths will lead down the four sides of the mountain and serve as a guide to the summit. The path leading from this sun-dial to the raized platform, on which is located a rock shelter and all other work shown, can be executed of the natural materials, the study of which was Dr. Mitchell's life work.

In realizing the condition under which such work should be done, this whole design can be executed of the material found on the mountain, making it necessary to transport only the tools, the bronze arm for the sun-dial and a few bags of cement. This, Dr. Winston, will mean a great saving, and we feel it will mean the creation of the most appropriate memorial suggestive and characteristic in every way of the life and work of Dr. Mitchell.

We wish you to thoroughly understand that you are not obligating yourself in granting us the opportunity of making these suggestions. We have built and designed many memorials, and it is our great desire to design and build this work, but we want to impress upon you the necessity of co-operation, and ask you for your criticisms and suggestions, but wish also to call your attention to the fact that our designs are stock in trade, and that we are submitting them for your fair minded consideration.

Trusting that we may hear from you in the near future, believe us,

Very truly yours,