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We his Majestys most dutifull and Loyal Subjects the Council of North Carolina, return your Excellency our thanks for your Speech at the Opening of this Session.

The formidable Alliance of those Powerfull Tribes of Indians to the Westward, whose united force Seem to threaten the most cruel Masacrees, if not a Total destruction of the Exterior Settlements of these Southern Colonies; is a prospect Gloomy and highly Affecting, not only on Account of the many Usefull Members of the Provinces in general which must fall a Sacrafice to Barbarian Cruelty, But as in all probability it will effect an intire evacuation of the most flourishing part of this: We however trust that Divine Providence will Extend it’s protecting Arm and Avert these Evils, to which at this Juncture, we are so Apparently Exposed, by rendering those Measures effectual, which doubtless will be immediately taken by the Assembly for our preservation, and with which we shall most chearfully concur.

North Carolina
Councils Address to the Govr.

Rx with the Govrs Letter of 21. July 1760

Reced Novr 24.
Read —— 26 1760.
