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Employment for returning soldiers

<The following letter was written by the Governor to the Chairmen of Bureaus for returning soldiers and sailors.>

Dear Sir:-

Our soldiers and sailors are now returning home in great numbers. We are receiving them with open arms and it is eminently fitting for their return to be celebrated with great outbursts of patriotic enthusiasm. But these men cannot live on cheers and music and flowers and kisses. The fairest and finest thing we can do for them is to see to it that every man of them at once gets a good job.

I want every town and county in North Carolina to highly resolve that no soldier or sailor shall be denied a chance to make a decent living. Please lay this matter on the hearts of your people. Make it a matter of community pride and patriotism. Let each community be very sensitive on this point. Let no community be willing for another community to provide jobs for its heroes.

These men are neither afraid nor ashamed of work. They seek no charity -- they scorn it. They want a job, and they must not be denied.

Very truly yours,
