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Governor T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Governor:

Last Fall when I was in Raleigh, subpoenaed and in your Office, you stated that the action being taken by the United States Courts relative to Captain Laughinghouse was unknown to you until just a few days prior to our conversation. Reflecting upon that conversation, I now state to you, that again subpoenas have been served on the same witnesses to appear in Washington, N.C., on April 23rd.

Having been drawn into this matter by responding to your request, as Head of the Draft System in this State, to become Government Appeal Agent for Pitt County, and having talked with you on the subject, I again express to you, the hope that you may intercede with the proper officials and make it plain to them that this matter should be dropped.

I trust that you still see it in this light and will put forth your best efforts to this end, as you did last Fall.

With best wishes, I am

Yours very truly,