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Hon. Lawrence W. Young,
Adjutant General,
Raleigh, N. C.

Dear Sir:

We beg to hand you herewith copy of a letter which we have written to the Hon. Chas. A. Webb, Marshal for the Western District of North Carolina. It explains the situation which has arisen in the past few weeks in this county.

There are now twelve men in one community who have deserted from Camp Sevier and have combined to resist arrest. These men were entrained for Camp Jackson and transferred to Camp Sevier and deserted from there. We have made every effort we could to have these men apprehended but have failed to get any action and we should like for you or the Governor to get behind the Marshals and Sheriffs of the respective counties and have quick action, if possible. The sisuation is getting more serious every day, as men from that section refuse to appear for physical examination, and we have no doubt that as soon as men are called for entrainment that a number of them from that vicinity will refuse to appear. Copy of the enclosed letter to the Marshal of the Western District explains in detail the situation,

We understand of course that this Board should proceed to post as deserters those who do not appear for physical examination, but we have thought it the part of wisdom to delay so posting them, because it would cause them to join this band of deserters who have formed themselves into outlaws for resistance. We had hoped that the officers would act and have the deserters arrested, then the men who have refused to appear for physical examination would be more easily apprehended.

Thanking you, after consultation with the Governor, to take such prompt action in this matter as to you may seem proper and adequate.

Yours very truly,

Coleman C. Cowan


RECEIVED A.G.O.N.C. MAR 30 1918 [stamped]

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