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Hon. T. W. Bickett, Governor,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

We have several cases where registrants had no dependants and were placed in class 1-A by this Board. They asked for class 3-L which is a “Necessary assistant or associate manager of necessary industrial enterprise.” Which this Board reccomended to the District Board, and it was reversed giving them 2-D which is a “Necessary skilled laborer in necessary industrial enterprise.”

Before making any endorsements, this Board requested of the different industries here, that no deferred classification be asked for except in extreme cases, where men were absolutely necessary. And that has been carried out. We have several men as above stated, who we made reccomendation that 3-L be given them, as they were to all appearances, necessary to their company and indispensable, as the company knows of men to take their places. In one instance the registrant is an assistant to the manager of the two largest cotton mills here, who are working over time endeavoring to provide the Government with cotton goods for its soldiers. The manager is necessarily out of the city in New York a great deal of his time, and the registrant is in absolute control of both plants in his absense. The District Board placed him in class 2-D.

The way our classifications are being reversed on such men, the industries of our city are going to be practically paralized. I have written the District Board and have gotten no relief, and would be glad to know whether or not there is anything that can be dont by you which would relieve the situation.

Yours truly,